Identifying Functions by Mapping, Tables, Graphs and Ordered Pairs Worksheet

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This was great and spot on for my 8th grade unit. The kids were very successful and helped prepare them for the assessment.

Rated 5 out of 5

Great material. I was needing some extra practice and it saved me a great deal of time not having to create my own.

Rated 5 out of 5 See all reviews
Also included in

Algebra Funsheets: This is a set of 3 worksheets on identifying functions. Worksheet 1 - Riddle. Identifying functions from graphs. Given a graph, students will determine if it is a function or not. A version without the riddle is included.Worksheet 2 - Riddle. Identifying functions from orde

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This bundle contains 9 worksheets on Functions.Worksheet 1: Finding domain and range from graphsStandard. 12 graphs.Worksheet 2: Finding range given domainRiddle. Students will find the range given the domain.Worksheet 3: Function rules and table of valuesStandard. Given a function rule, stude

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This is an identifying functions worksheet.

This product is included in the Functions Bundle

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