
To request a fingerprint based criminal background check for a private adoption, as required by the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, please review the document below. All questions should be directed to the Washington State Patrol.


American Adoption Congress - Provides information on adoption reform.

Annie E. Casey Foundation - Their mission is to foster public policies, human service reforms, and community supports that more effectively meet the needs of today's vulnerable children and families.

Child Welfare Information Gateway - A comprehensive resource on all aspects of adoption.

International Soundex Reunion Registry - Free registry system for matching people who desire contact with their next-of-kin by birth.

North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) - Provides adoption information and services for children in the United States foster care system.

Northwest Adoption Exchange - Provides adoption services for special needs children in the Northwest.

A listing of adoption resources in Washington State for adoptive families, birth parents, and adopted individuals:

DCYF does not endorse any particular entity listed; this information is provided solely as a document for individuals doing their own research on adoption.

Books of Interest

Children's Books


DCYF does not facilitate step-parent, independent, international, private, or adult adoptions. DCYF cannot provide legal advice. Please contact a family law attorney or the local county clerk for questions regarding any other type of adoption outside of adoption through foster care.